Monday, March 31, 2014

Fancy Hair

My roommate is wonderful and lets me play with her hair . 

Have a good day friend : ) 

~Perfectly Imperfect Girl

Saturday, March 8, 2014

I Stand All Amazed

I know that my Savior loves me , that He bore my griefs and pains for me , and that He died for me . I often ponder what He did for me and as hard as I try , it is still hard for me to imagine that kind of love . I pray that you might know that He loves you , and that He bled and died for you and me . He loves all of His children , and is willing to forgive and take you in with open arms . 

The following video is of one of my favorite hymns . I would ask that you really listen to the words as you play this clip, it is a beautiful song .

Have a wonderful day bloggers .

~Perfectly Imperfect Girl