Saturday, July 27, 2013

Point Of View

Taken by Moi
I think all of us have a difficult thinking outside of the box every once in a while . Admit it , sometimes its just hard . So maybe you should look at it all from a different angle. Literally ! Look at the world in different ways - ways that you , maybe , normally wouldn't think to do . Let's use photography for example . Maybe instead of a plain portrait or the usual poses - try something a little different. Get down low to the ground and look at things from down there.

Or maybe stand above something . Like a birds eye view .
Taken by Moi
Also taken by Moi
  Or look at something that will lead up to what you are looking at . I don't know - get creative with it !

Whether it is photography or something else . Just try too look at things from a different point of view . Who knows , maybe you will think differently about something or gain a new idea .

Anywho , have a nice day all you bloggers =)

~Perfectly Imperfect Girl

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


The person in this picture is me ! And this
photo was taken by a good friend of mine.
SECRET - faithful or cautious in keeping confidential matters confidential ; close-mouthed ; reticent .

“ Lies and secrets , Tessa , they are like a cancer in the soul . They eat away what is good and leave only destruction behind.”
― Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince 

We are all human , and we all have at least one secret . But the big thing is what you do with that secret . Secrets aren't always a bad thing , depending on the situation . In an article entitled The Danger of Keeping Secrets by Alex Lickerman M.D. it states the following - ". . . not all truths need to be shared with everyone—or even anyone—to maintain a healthy and happy life , concealing some truths is like swallowing slow-acting poison : one's insides gradually rot . How does one tell the difference between the kind of secret one should keep and the kind one shouldn't ? Perhaps a good guide would be this : the kind of secrets that shouldn't be kept are those that allow us to behave in a way that causes harm to others or to ourselves . "

So there isn't any particular reason I am blogging about secrets - I just blog about whatever comes to mind . And who knows , maybe it will get some of you bloggers thinking . I don't know . With that said - I hope you all have a wonderful day today .

~Perfectly Imperfect Girl

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy Fourth =D

Happy Fourth of July everyone =D I know i'm a day late - but better late than never right ? Here are some exciting firework pictures - all taken by Moi. Enjoy!

~ Perfectly Imperfect Girl