Saturday, July 27, 2013

Point Of View

Taken by Moi
I think all of us have a difficult thinking outside of the box every once in a while . Admit it , sometimes its just hard . So maybe you should look at it all from a different angle. Literally ! Look at the world in different ways - ways that you , maybe , normally wouldn't think to do . Let's use photography for example . Maybe instead of a plain portrait or the usual poses - try something a little different. Get down low to the ground and look at things from down there.

Or maybe stand above something . Like a birds eye view .
Taken by Moi
Also taken by Moi
  Or look at something that will lead up to what you are looking at . I don't know - get creative with it !

Whether it is photography or something else . Just try too look at things from a different point of view . Who knows , maybe you will think differently about something or gain a new idea .

Anywho , have a nice day all you bloggers =)

~Perfectly Imperfect Girl

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