Monday, November 4, 2013

"I'm Thankful For" Challenge

As everyone knows , Thanksgiving is a coming . Though it is still a while away , I thought I would present you bloggers with a challenge . The challenge is this : Everyday , write down in your journal / blog / or anything else you may have , or even voice it aloud - what you are thankful for . Just one thing each day . Now because I didn't post this on the first of November , I am going to start off with four things to make those days up .
Day 1 : I am thankful for my family .
Day 2 : I am thankful for my home .
Day 3 : I am thankful for a healthy body .
Day 4 : I am thankful for music .

Now, I don't promise to be any good at posting each day , so if I don't post it , then you'll know that I have written it down in my journal . But I wish you bloggers the best of luck in this challenge . If you eventually can't think of things that you are thankful for , get creative , there is always something , no matter how big or how small . 

Have a marvelous day bloggers . 

~Perfectly Imperfect Girl

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