Monday, August 19, 2013

The "I Love" Challenge . . .

So recently I have been watching this series called Internet Icon on YouTube . Check it out if you don't know what it is , because it is pretty cool - but anyways ! On one of these episodes there is a challenge to make a new Youtube trend . One of the teams , known as The Kloons , decided to go with the " I Love " challenge. Check it out here if you want to see their video -

Basically what it is, is you post a video on Youtube of things you love from off the top of your head within 60 seconds . Since my options are limited and I am not able to make a video , I've decided to time myself and type some things I love within 60 seconds . Here it goes . . .

I love juice
I love oranges
I love my familly
I love dogs
I love pizza
I love mountains
I love trees
I love camping
I love tents
I love forests
I love cookies
I love my mom
I love the computer
I love books
I love friends
I love people
I love toilet paper
I love writing
I love singing
I love singing in the shower

So there you have it folks . Things I love off the top of my head , as random as they are haha . ( I went back through and fixed all the typos and made it look nice so that you can read it , but 60 seconds is a lot shorter than I thought ) So why don't you give it a go ? It's pretty fun , and if you can , why not make a video and put it on YouTube , or do what I did and blog it . I think it's a great trend to be started . Enjoy~

~Perfectly Imperfect Girl

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