Saturday, December 14, 2013

Tis' The Season To Give

Good Day To You Friends ,

This morning I was given the opportunity to work in a homeless shelter . It was quite a humbling experience . I was able to help pass out lunches , clean the building , and help the people staying the night gather their sleeping mattress's , sanitize them , and put them away . As I was helping out this morning , I couldn't help but think of how lucky I am to have a home to come to everyday . To have a roof over my head and a warm place to sleep , with yummy food to eat . I don't have to worry about being uncomfortably cold or hungry .

This holiday season I would ask a simple favor of you bloggers out there , and that is to give . It doesn't have to be anything big , but the simple act of giving can bring great pleasure .

Merry Christmas Bloggers .

~Perfectly Imperfect Girl

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