Saturday, June 29, 2013

My Bucket List

I know some of these might not be realistic, but a girl can dream right? And besides, I can do all in my power to make them happen. So here is the question I pose for you bloggers out there today - what is your bucket list?   

--Study Abroad
--Visit all ( or as many as I can ) of the Temples built by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
--Write novels
--Be the voice of a cartoon
--Ride in a hot air balloon ( I'm terrified of heights )
--Graduate from BYU-I with a degree in English
--Have children
--Play the piano somewhere outdoors ( like the Piano Guys for example )
--Learn to play the Acordian
--Learn to play the Harp
--Go on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
--Be a loving wife and mother
--Pet a wild animal
--Buy a house
--Direct a 'movie' with friends
--Go to a concert ( I've been to a few concerts, but they have been for my church with a ton of youth )
--Ride an elephant

Have a good day all =)

~Perfectly Imperfect Girl

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