Friday, September 6, 2013

It's Raining Forks . . .

So , this is kind of random but I just thought that it was funny . So here I am - sharing my morning discovery with all of you . 

Yup - that's right . Those are forks . . . in my front yard .

I don't mind really , my family and I thought it was funny .

We think we have a pretty good idea of who did this too - since it isn't the first prank we've had .

So we are fine with it - the prankster is a good friend of ours .

Besides , I'm sure we will get him back .

; D

So here is a question for you bloggers out there - what pranks have been done to you ? Or what pranks have you yourself participated in ?

Have a good day bloggers!

~Perfectly Imperfect Girl

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